
Thursday, November 26, 2020

My Writing This Week !!!!

 Hey People,

I am back!!!. This week our writing was little similar like last writing but instead you need to write it by your own from the 3 topics and find facts from the given videos. This Wednesday we had a film shooter coming in to take photos and videos for our new school website so soon check that out !This week our choices were how are rainbows formed and our second option was why is there no gravity in space and final is how is chocolate made. I chose how is chocolate is made because many people eat a lot of chocolate which is very bad for your health and the main reason is that I like chocolates and I was interested to know more about chocolates and explain/tell/teach you how/what make a delicious chocolate. I found out that some chocolates have mushrooms in it. Our task was to make a doc about the steps and what make a successful chocolate and some more information to include. I have a lot of information to share so here is mine.

WALT : To write an explanation writing.

How Is Chocolate Made


 Did you know that some chocolates have mushrooms in it ? Chocolates are easy to eat but hard to make. It has different steps and different ingredients and exact methods to have a perfect chocolate. These are the steps to make a chocolate.
The Purpose Of This Text
The purpose of this text is to explain and teach you how chocolates are made and how they are turned into chocolate.
Firstly, Cacao pods are cut open and the cocoa beans are scooped out. Secondly, it is fermented and dried in the sun for a week and then wash the beans. Thirdly, After that, they are crushed and half grinded. They grind the cocoa beans to separate the cocoa shells from the nibs. Then it is refined to get the gooey rich chocolate texture. They are grinded at high speeds. Then for the milk chocolate you add less cocoa and more milk. These are like Indian spice grinders that are used to make chai (Tea). Then they leave it grinding overnight and then they add the sugar in the morning. This is after it's gone through the roller mill then this gets thicker and thicker and thicker. You’ll see the chocolate like sugar granules. Then the machine will start grinding it solid if you want to ricoy all the particles in fat. Then they temper the chocolate. Tempering makes chocolate smooth and glossy. Then they are in the freezer overnight to make it hard. Information 1 : Chocolate can be in different tastes, colors, shapes and chocolate can have many toppings and a lot of different flavour too. Information 2 : If you want to make dark chocolate you add less milk and more cocoa to have the exact taste. 
Question to be answered : How is the cocoa butter extracted/collected to make white chocolate ? 


 Chocolates are yummy but bad for your teeth . They have different materials, different ingredients, different flavours, different methods and different shapes. It has some really hard steps too .
What kind of chocolate do you like and why ?

My Reading Task This Week !!!!

 Hey Readers,

This week our task was to choose a book from the book choices, read it and write a summary about it. I read the book called Earth Paints. This book is basically a book teaching how do the people from older generations and the people from small areas/villages/town made paints, brushes and what kind of paper they used to make an aboriginal art. This book was a bit boring because it did not have enough information and things and even the purpose of this text. Anyway it was good to know that paint brushes are made from bamboos and some other trees. Our task was to create a DLO with the summary in 5-6 sentences and blog it !. And our second task was to 

Here is the work !!!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

My Writing This Week !

 Hey Readers,

This week our writing task was to write an explanation writing about the article we have chosen. I chose the article called What Causes Tsunami. We needed to explain how/what causes tsunami. There are 2 steps of what cause tsunami and in the conclusion you will also get all the key points from the text. Indonesia is the most common place for earthquakes and tsunamis. In this text you will also find some very interesting facts about earthquakes and tsunamis and even more.


Here is the work

What causes tsunamis ?

What is a tsunami ?

Tsunami is a large tide wave which causes a lot of damage and destruction.

          The purpose of this text

The purpose of this text is to tell you how/why what causes a tsunami.


The name Tsunami is a Japanese word which means harbour wall.

In 2004, a 9.1 magnitude earthquake hit on the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia

which resulted in a 50 m tsunami causing over 200,000 deaths and billions of

dollars worth of damage.

On the 11th of March in 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake caused a powerful

tsunami that hit Japan  and killed more than 18,000 people. 

1st step of how tsunami is caused

Firstly, a tsunami is seen as moving from the ocean.This is because the wave

is just like the tide that we usually see in the ocean. This part is the first

sign of the tsunami.

2nd step of how tsunami is caused

This large wave can be up to 10x bigger than a normal wave and often hits

the shore and slows down to around 50 km/ph. The back of the wave is still

moving through deeper water, However it is going faster than the front

wave and when it reaches the shore the back wave crashes onto the place. This is why it goes up high.


Tsunamis causes a lot of damage.

Most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes & volcanic eruptions. Some are

caused by landslides and meteorites.

First the wave is seen as moving away from the ocean.

Then it becomes bigger and bigger then slows down to 50 km/ph, the back

wave is moving deeper but faster and finally crashes into the shore. This is

how tsunamis are caused.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

My Reading This Week !!!

 Hey Readers,

This week our task to do was similar with our last week's work infact it was the same. We needed to at least finish and blog our 2 or 3 create tasks at the end of the week. My first create task is the quiz about elephant I chose these kind of questions because you readers maybe know some of the answers. I chose this elephant book because I like elephants and I have actually went a ride on them. My second create task is the word search. I chose these kind of words because if you have been onto the elephant quiz I have made you might know some of the words from there. My third task is the Venn diagram which i chose to compare both elephants and tigers because I already know some similarities and the differences and moreover it would be easier if you have done the quiz and the word search. 

WALT : To make connection to self, world and other texts.

Here is mine

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

My Reading This Week !!!

 Hey Readers,

This week I was so busy because I had to go to Kirkwood intermediate school for open day and on Wednesday  we had zones which was quite exhausting and Friday we do not have school because of the show day. I just had Monday and Thursday. My task was to create a quiz like last week and to make a word search puzzle about the animal that we have chosen from our book choices for you viewers. I chose the book called deadly predators. I choose this book because I like learning about different animals in one whole book.  

Here is the work.                WALT to make connections to self, other texts and the world.

Link to my second task (Word search). Have a go at this and have fun.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

My Cybersmart Lesson This Week !!!!!!

 Hey Readers,

This week for Cybersmart we had to advertise about our big day out and Coco Crunch using Google drawing with a friend/buddy. My first task which is the advertising about Big Day Out we are going to Rolleston.  

Check These Tasks 

Friday, November 6, 2020

My Reading This Week


Hey Readers, This week our reading task were to make a quiz about the animal that you have chose and our second task was to make a Venn diagram which I did not finish it before Thursday because of the time and the tests we had PAT and even some one was using my Chromebook but I finally finished it on the last minute. WALT : To compare and contrast two animals and share facts about them. I learnt a lot about pandas and one of the fact is that a specie of a panda called red panda which has long tails and it is red and white even some black body color.  We need to do the quiz in google form or google slides and the Venn diagram in google drawing or slides. Here is mine.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

My Writing Task This Week !!!!

 Hey Readers,

This week we have been given two options. The first option is they gave us a picture from Pobble 365 (The Dare) or you can write anything you want , its basically like free choice but you can't do somethings like Pick A Path or any other things like animation. This week we had these choices because we had our reading and maths PAT test. I chose something helpful for some people and that is Information Report About The U.S.A. Enjoy and don't forget to comment down below. :)

Here is mine

Information Report About U.S.A       


Did you know that the population in the USA is

331 million ?

You might have known about other countries like

India, Pakistan ,

Canada , New Zealand and

many more but not so much about countries like

the USA.

In this information report

you will learn much more deeper information about

the USA.

Famous locations / Tourist Attractions

The USA has many famous locations.

Did you know that one of the most famous tourist

attractions is the Statue of Liberty ?

Another famous mountain Mt Rushmore.

Other mountains are

Mt Denali , Mt Rainier and Mt Saint Ellie.

Did you know that one of the most

famous locations is Niagara Falls?

Other attractions are Honolulu, River Mississippi ,

Yukon River ,

Walt Disney Land, Gold Gate Bridge, Grand Canyon,

National mall in Washington D.C and

Alamo mission in San Antonio.


The USA has some most favorite foods.

Did you know that the USA’s people like hamburgers?

Another favourite food is sausage and veg curry.

Other favourite foods are Barbeques, Steak, Salad

and Deep Dish pizza. Another fact is that they also

eat Apple Pie. Hmmm Yummy!!.

Official/Most Common Languages

The USA has few commonly used languages.

Did you know that one of the most common languages is


Another fact is that some people also speak

Tagalog which includes the Philippines too. Other

languages are French, Spanish, Arabic and a few

people who speak Korean.

Public Holidays

The USA has quite a few public holidays.

Did you know that one of the public holidays is

Halloween ?

Another public holiday fact is that they even

celebrate Easter. Other public holidays are

Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, Labor day and Veterans

(The remembrance of World War 1).


The USA is a beautiful country with many favourite

foods , They also have many tourist locations, they

even speak different languages and they have many

different public holidays.

If you went to the USA, what would you do and where

would you go?